JACK in Colorectal Reduced Port Surgery
We wish to thank Luigi Boni from Fondazione IRCCS Ca`Granda Ospedale Magiore Policlinico University of Milan, Italy, and his team for the excellent use of our JACK Multichannel Superior Access Port. Luigi Boni comments: "JACK is a smart innovation for what is typically thought of as technically advanced reduced port surgery or the so-called SILS+1 surgery. JACK has extraordinary features that dramatically simplify this minimally invasive surgical technique making it suitable for all users. An example is this right hemicolectomy performed by one of my junior staff members. The standard in my department is a multifunctional port + 1x 5mm trocar. In special circumstances, we may add up to two additional trocars. The result is a safe procedure with a better postoperative outcome in terms of quicker patient recovery.” Our CEO Jan Holubec was honored to join the procedure and took notice on-site for further product developments.