JACK in RP Surgery in Gynecology!
We wish to thank Burghard Abendstein MD, from public hospital in Feldkirch, Austria, and his team for the exemplary use of our JACK Multichannel Superior Access Port in what can be a challenging GYN procedure! DDr. Burghard Abendstein comments: “I started with reduced port or single port surgery more than 10 years ago. Over time, I have taught this surgical technique to all of my employees. In our department, we host both national and international courses to teach this technique. The trans-umbilical access is simply ingenious for most minimally invasive gynecological procedures. In this latest example, we took advantage of the many unique features of JACK in the treatment of endometriosis." DDr. Abendstein added this about JACK: "AFS MEDICAL first product, JACK, is a pretty cool medical device! JACK is very intuitive to use and offers practical and unprecedented advantages that make the procedure technically easier.”